NRBTV presents special Viewers’ Choice programming starting November 3. Earlier this year, we asked you which programs you wanted to see. We appreciate all of you who responded and are excited to bring you the top four programs selected by you. Tune in on Saturdays in November for the following lineup:
Luther: Life & Legacy of the German Reformer
SAT, NOV 3 (5:30p ET)
500 years ago an insignificant German monk picked up a hammer and struck blows that continue to reverberate around the world. Experience the daring life and times of Martin Luther.
A Call for Freedom
SAT, NOV 10 (5:30p ET)
Hosted by Dr. Erwin Lutzer, this film is a call to arms, reminding us that it is still our task to preserve the gospel in the face of its foes. Also, it equips Christian viewers to make this important stand.
Evolution vs. God
SAT, NOV 17 (5:30p ET)
Hear expert testimony from leading evolutionary scientists at some of the world's top universities and watch as they present their most compelling evidence for Darwinian evolution. Their answers will amaze you!
Socrates in the City France with John Lennox
SAT, NOV 24 (5:30p ET)
The Question of Science and God - Has Science buried God? Eric Metaxas tracks down Oxford's John Lennox in France for answers, and the brilliant professor delivers!