We are excited about upcoming specials airing this week! Join us in celebrating the risen Christ. Make plans to tune in for these faith-enriching broadcasts and tell a friend!
Word Pictures: He's Alive (Part 2)
Don't miss the continuation of Word Pictures: He's Alive (Part 2) on Thursday, March 28 at 8 pm ET/ 7 pm CT.
Make plans to watch as we continue exploring the five most "popular" theories of what actually occurred on that fateful day and proves that only one of the theories can be (and is) true; that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is God!

Vision Video: The Great Composers Classical Destinations- Handel
Join us for a special presentation of Vision Video - The Great Composers Classical Destinations - Handel on Friday, March 29 at 8 pm ET/ 7 pm CT and again on Saturday, March 30 at 5 pm ET/ 4 pm CT.
George Frideric Handel, travelled much more widely after his birth in Halle in the Southern part of Saxony. As a young firebrand, he went to Italy where he created a sensation before settling in London for the last 40 years of his life.

Children’s Easter Programming Continues This Saturday!
Tune in Saturday morning beginning at 6 am ET through 10 am ET as we continue airing children's Easter programming.
Join the fictional characters as they share stories in a way that ensure children not only get the message, but also have fun watching!

Piercing Word Performances: The One Story
Join us Saturday, March 30 at 10 am ET/ 9 am CT for Piercing Word Performances: The One Story.
Experience the ultimate story of God’s plan for redemption. Framed around Jesus’ conversation on the Emmaus Road, this piece is compiled of passages from Genesis to Revelation and shows how all of Scripture points to the person and work of Christ.
The One Story incorporates original orchestrations and other artistic elements to bring beautiful clarity to the Scriptures.
Piercing Word Performances: Passion: The Musical
Experience the Last Supper, Trial, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ through Piercing Word’s musical presentation of the Easter story. Utilizing a modern-day, urban concept, this performance includes passages from all four Gospels and original music with Scripture lyrics!
Set a reminder to join us for Piercing Word Performances: Passion: The Musical on Saturday, March 30 at 6 pm ET/ 5 pm CT.