Celebrate the Risen Christ with special Easter programming on NRBTV. Tell a friend and tune in for these faith-enriching broadcasts:
Jesus: Son of God?
Fri, April 12 at 9p ET
Jesus, Son of God? sets out on a journey to discover when, where and how this vital Christian belief originated. Join Luke Waldock as he asks questions and presents answers to uncover who is the 'Son of God.'
Jesus: Dead And Buried?
Fri, April 12 9:30p ET
Host, Luke Waldock, travels to Jerusalem to see the places where Jesus himself walked. He sifts through the evidence of Jesus' life, death and resurrection and unpacks the reason that Jesus is called the "Lamb of God."
Jesus Accounts
Fri, April 12 at 10:30p ET
Learn how the Gospel accounts of Jesus are based on solid evidence and significant ancient manuscripts.
He’s Alive (Pt 1)
Thurs, April 19 at 9p ET
First of a 2-part program that explores the five most “popular” theories of what actually occurred on that fateful day, and proves that only one of the theories can be (and is) true; that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is God!
The Six Miracles of Calvary
Fri, April 19 at 8p ET
In The Six Miracles of Calvary, you'll get a historical and reflective view of the remarkable events surrounding the death and resurrection of Christ. In interviews with leading scholars, the meaning and purpose of each occurrence is examined, highlighting its significance to Christ's suffering and relevance to the challenges faced by those who follow Him.
He’s Alive (Pt 2)
Fri, April 19 at 9p ET
This second of a 2-part program continues to explore the five most “popular” theories of what actually occurred on that fateful day and proves that only one of the theories can be (and is) true; that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is God!
For additional programs and airtimes, check our program schedule.