On almost a weekly basis, we receive notes from viewers wanting us to air our programming on additional platforms. So, I would like to share a little about our efforts to expand our presence.
Over the past few months, our Director of Channel Distribution and I have traveled across the United States to visit with several major cable and satellite providers in hopes of getting NRBTV added to their programming lineups. During these meetings, we have introduced our channel and provided them with reasons we should be added to their lineup.
With each visit, we have been praying that God open doors to allow us to further our reach. We are standing firm that these doors will be open and are looking forward to being able to impact more of our culture through our programming.
Please keep our ministry in your prayers. Pray for our team as we continue to promote our network and for our future meetings with providers. Also, if we aren’t currently on your cable or satellite provider, please contact them and request that NRBTV be added to their channel lineup.
Thanks for your continued support. I look forward sharing updates in the near future.
Troy Miller
President & CEO