Over the past few days, I have watched very talented athletes compete for the ultimate prize, the gold medal. This year’s Olympics has been filled with many victories, as well as many heartbreaks. These athletes have dedicated years of training for one moment in the spotlight. In a brief moment, their lives change. Some become instant heroes, while others don’t perform as well as they hoped. While those who don’t become medalist may feel that their lives are over, God still has a plan for their lives. It may be to work hard over the next four years and win in the next Olympic Games or it may be something completely different.
When you experience a failure in an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a first impression, there’s really just no way to recover. Or is there? We will fail. A lot. But God will use all of it for His glory and our good if we are willing to find his grace in our failure. We are not perfect; however, if you trust God through your brokenness, He will guide you through.
I’m reminded of the story Luke tells in 22:31. Jesus lets Simon know that Satan has asked to sift him and when he has come through it, he is to “strengthen his brothers.” Sometimes it’s God’s plan to allow us to fail so that we will become stronger, and we will use that new strength to build up our brothers and sisters in Christ.
You may be going through a difficult time right now, with little hope of resolution. Be assured, God can create a path to lead you through. If you will trust in God, even when there doesn’t seem to be a way, He will make a way.
During periods of uncertainty, do what Proverbs 3: 5-6 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths.” You don’t have to have all the answers. Honestly, we aren’t going to understand most of the things in our lives until Christ returns.
So, be patient. God is in control of your life. He knows what’s best. Learn to place your trust in God for everything, and when you come through it, strengthen your brothers.
Troy Miller
President & CEO