It's a new year and we are pleased to announce additions to our winter programming lineup. Beginning the week of January 4th, tune in to NRBTV for these outstanding programs about apologetics and Church history:
The Protestant Revolt
Thursdays at 8p ET/7c (Re-airs at midnight ET/11c)
With a world-class team of scholars, pastors, and theologians, Dr. Peter Lillback (Westminster Theological Seminary) leads us through an eye-opening journey around the world. From Luther's Germany and Calvin's Geneva to Spain, England, Scotland, and beyond to America, our modern society, economy, government, and church, have their roots in the Reformation. Here we can clearly see how the Reformation shaped the world we live in today.
C.S. Lewis Institute - Basic Apologetics Course
Thursdays at 7p ET/6c
This course taught by Dr. Art Lindsley is designed for those who wish to be better equipped to reach non-believers by giving honest answers to honest questions with gentleness and respect.
The Apologists
Thursdays at 6:30p ET/5:30c
This series features itinerant speakers from Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.