
Defining Moments

June 30, 2017 · 

We all face times in our lives when a choice that we make or an incident that happens causes something in your life to change. These are defining moments. Some are good and others are bad, but each has made an impact in your life. Take a moment to reflect some of your defining moments:

  • Maybe the career path you choose
  • Maybe the ending of a long-term relationship
  • Maybe it was the death of a loved one
  • Maybe it was when you got married
  • Maybe it was a cross-country move
  • Or, maybe welcoming your first child into your family

As you reflect on your life journey so far, can you see God’s mercy and His blessing? Has His faithfulness been evident through the good times as well as the tough times? In most cases, our faith grows the most and we feel closest to God through the tougher times.

Ultimately, every defining moment leads us to either trust God or trust ourselves. If you think about, most of the negative defining moments in our lives resulted from trusting in ourselves, in our own judgment, or giving into temptation because we weren’t trusting God to have our best interest in mind.

When it comes to facing defining moments in the future, I encourage you to allow God to lead your path. Trust in His ways and He will help through the good times and the bad.


Troy Miller
President & CEO